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Candidacy & Prep

Is Fibroblast suitable for me?

If you are considering Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening, you should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no pre-existing health conditions.

Ideal candidates for this cosmetic procedure are those with fair to medium skin tones. Anyone with loose, crepe-like or wrinkled skin around the eyes, neck, tummy, mouth, or targeted area for the treatment. Fibroblast will not effect fat cells.

A good candidate must not be prone to keloid scars, have diabetes, any healing disorder, lymphatic draining issues, history of hyperpigmentation, wear a pacemaker or be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Fitzpatrick scale

This treatment is only recommended on fair to medium skin tones - meaning Fitzpatrick Scale 1-3 and sometimes 4.. If you are a type 4/5/6, you may or may not be prone to hyper-pigmentation, which isn’t necessarily permanent but does take some time to fade away completely. People with type 4, 5 and 6 complexions are recommended to get a patch test in desired treatment area(s) to see how your skin responds.

Photo illustration from BrowDaddy x Perma Blend.



Contact lenses must be removed when areas around the eyes are being treated.

Skin should not be inflamed or sunburned in the area we are treating prior to procedure. If you have a sunburn/suntan, the treatment should be postponed for up to 8 weeks or until tan/burn signs disappear.

Refrain from using topical agents that may increase sensitivity of the skin 2 weeks before the treatment. These products include Retinoids, Exfoliants and/or exfoliating devices, Salicylic washes and toners, products containing AHA and BHA’s, and Hydroquinone.

Depending on your skin’s current state and laxity, you may want to have multiple treatments on the same area to reach your most desired results. Areas may be treated every 3 months in order to let collagen production and fibre cell turn over.

After Care